Committed and holistic sustainability work

The Kanavaranta 1 office building has made significant efforts to develop a holistic approach to sustainability. The property has now been awarded BREEAM In-Use certification, highlighting its environmental friendliness and responsibility.

BREEAM (Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method) is Europe's leading environmental rating system for construction, providing a clear framework for achieving carbon neutrality and improving social responsibility in buildings. The BREEAM certification awarded to Kanavaranta 1 includes the Part 1 Asset section.

Sustera, a specialist in sustainable building management, has been a consultative partner in the process. The development project is now complete, and the property has been awarded the prestigious Excellent level of BREEAM In-Use certification.

Jarno Aalto, Newsec's Property Manager responsible for the technical maintenance of the Kanavaranta 1 office building, will now tell us more about the process and its results.

A carbon-neutral office building made more environmentally responsible

The Kanavaranta 1 office building uses CO2-free thermal energy and district cooling for heating and cooling and had already achieved carbon neutrality before the BREEAM process started.

The building's electricity is also generated in an environmentally friendly way by wind energy. The measures taken at the property have also led to a reduction in electricity consumption - estimated at up to a fifth.

During the process, for example, the building has been fitted with energy-efficient LED lighting and the ventilation power is adjusted to adapt to the use of the premises with the help of CO2 sensing.

The property's water fixtures have also been modified or replaced with water-saving alternatives. This reduces not only the water consumption of the building, but also the thermal energy used to heat the water.

Further development work is also continuing. Further improvements in the energy efficiency of the building and more efficient waste sorting for both office users and the restaurant are planned.

Developing accessibility and biodiversity as part of sustainability work

With the BREEAM process, accessibility has been a focus of attention.

The main entrance to the property has been made accessible with a wheelchair ramp and automatic doors. The accessibility of the offices has also been improved with new barrier-free toilets.

Another important sustainability theme has been the development of environmental diversity. For example, the property's grounds and terraces have been extensively planted with greenery, and Humble Bee Housing Project beehives have been placed on the side terraces for several summers.

The impact of the BREEAM process contributes to a better working life

Social responsibility is also an important part of the BREEAM criteria. The services for users of Kanavaranta 1 have been further developed during the process.

One important aspect has been the promotion of environmentally responsible commuting. The building now has charging points for electric cars and bicycles, as well as a bicycle washing and maintenance facility. To facilitate cycling, well-equipped shower and changing facilities have also been provided for users, as well as locked indoor bike parking for 46 bikes.

A CO2 monitoring system has also been installed in the offices to improve working life. The system continuously monitors the CO2 levels in the office's indoor air and uses the results to control ventilation. This ensures that the indoor air does not feel "heavy" and contributes to a good working atmosphere for employees.

Responsible real estate supports tenants' own environmental objectives

The sustainability measures and BREEAM certification of the Kanavaranta property are important milestones not only for the property owner but also for the tenants.

Tenant companies have their own defined environmental objectives and criteria, making sustainability of the premises a relevant part of the whole. For example, the sustainability of the property was one of the criteria for Ilmatar, a pioneer in renewable energy, which moved to Kanavaranta in spring 2024.

Designed by Alvar Aalto, the office building is unique as it offers its tenants high quality facilities and services and exceptional views. Now the office building also meets high sustainability criteria, making it an even more attractive operating environment in the heart of Helsinki's maritime city centre.


"Although Kanavaranta 1 was built in the 1960s, it is very energy efficient. We are pleased that our sustainability efforts have resulted in the building being awarded the high Excellent level of BREEAM in-Use certification."

Jarno Aalto, Senior Property Manager, Newsec


Read more:

Green Building Council Finland - BREEAM certification

Kanavaranta 1

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